
Information Technology

Erwin Schwarzl is the MD Europe, Africa, Middle Eastern Region Kodak Alaris Information Management. (Image source: Kodak Alaris)

Kodak Alaris has acquired the Integrated Document Solutions ? Capturing Systems Germany division (IDS-CSG) from Swiss Post Solutions (SPS) to cater to the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) markets

Najwa Aaraj, vice-president ? Special Projects, DarkMatter, said that the secure Voice and Chat application was a proposition that provided additional security to government agencies and businesses requiring such products. (Image source: DarkMatter)

International cyber security firm headquartered in the UAE DarkMatter has entered into the secure communications market with the introduction of its Voice and Chat application for iOS and Android

DEWA has signed an MoU with Microsoft to enhance innovation, improve customer service and operational efficiency in the UAE and GCC

The upgraded system will connect to the existing field devices namely remote terminal units, bay control units and main distribution boards, and increase the operational reliability and efficiency of the power network to support a large-scale airport expansion plan. (Image source: Isna Menneveux/Flickr)

Power and automation technology group ABB will upgrade its supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for the power network at Dubai International Airport

Cloud services are also playing a vital role in Saudi Arabia?s digital transformation journey, with more than a third of organisations already investing in them. (Image source: zeljkodan/Shutterstock)

ICT spending in Saudi Arabia is expected to reach almost US$36bn in 2016 as organisations across the Kingdom have started to embrace digital transformation initiatives in an effort to optimise costs and improve business process efficiencies

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