

The private sector-focused infrastructure financing programme will allocate funds for electricity generation and transmission projects that utilise renewable energy or natural gas. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP) and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) have launched a US$1bn financing initiative to support utility projects in the Arab region

The project is part of a larger framework agreement signed between Masdar and GEDF in 2021 to develop renewable energy capacity in Georgia. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

UAE-based Masdar has signed a joint development agreement (JDA) with the Georgian Energy Development Fund (GEDF) to develop a 100MW photovoltaic (PV) solar project, which will be Georgia?s largest solar project

Germany signed a similar agreement with the UAE in November 2021, which set out the intention to develop green hydrogen and synthetic fuels. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The European Commission has approved Germany?s H2Global initiative to invest US$1bn in subisdising green hydrogen production in non-EU countries to import into Germany

The first project will involve the development of a 500MW solar plant in Southern Egypt. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

UAE-based AlNowais Investments is to invest US$1bn in two clean energy projects in Egypt, both of which will be commissioned within the next three years

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