AVEVA has signed a long-term partnership with EDF to elevate its 3D nuclear engineering program and deliver energy-efficient performance
Volvo Penta boosts D13 genset engine
Volvo Penta has strengthened its generation engine portfolio by introducing a D13 power node, the TAD1346GE 500 kVA
Eaton?s guide: How UPS can protect business continuity
Eatons has unveiled ?Fundamentals of critical power? guide with an aim to smoothly navigate protecting business continuity
Construction begins on Saudi Arabia?s clean-energy water project

Awarded by SWPC as a build, own, operate contract, the consortium will have a concession period of 25 years. (Image source: Engie)
Global energy company ENGIE, in collaboration with Saudi-based contracting firm Nesma and private desalination company Mowah, today broke ground on the Al Rayes seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant
APICORP, IsDB to support utility project in Arab region

The private sector-focused infrastructure financing programme will allocate funds for electricity generation and transmission projects that utilise renewable energy or natural gas. (Image source: Adobe Stock)
The Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP) and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) have launched a US$1bn financing initiative to support utility projects in the Arab region