

The plant is expected to be operational in 2019. (Image source: Andy/Flickr)

The construction of Jordan?s first to be fuelled by oil shale US$2.2bn power plant is set to start in June this year

All the units will deliver safe, clean, reliable and efficient nuclear energy to the UAE grid, pending regulatory reviews and licensing. (Image source: Jarrous/Shutterstock)

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) has successfully completed the cold hydrostatic testing (CHT) at Unit 1 in Barakah

Siemens is providing long-term service for eight SGT5-4000F gas turbines (pictured) operating at the Nubaria, Talkha and El Kureimat power stations in Egypt. (Image source: Siemens)

Siemens has extended a long-term contract to provide service and maintenance, as well as component upgrades, at the Nubaria, Talkha and El Kureimat power stations in Egypt

ENEC has been educating the public on its plans for its nuclear power plant developments in the UAE at various trade events.

Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) has signed a deal with Abu Dhabi Transmission & Despatch Company (TRANSCO) to establish an operating framework for electricity generated at ENEC?s nuclear energy units to be transmitted to the UAE grid

Saudi Arabia?s energy consumption was expected to grow by four to five per cent annually in the next few years. (Image source: Robert Linder/

Saudi Arabia will need investment of US$133.3bn in electricity projects over the next ten years to cope with rising power demand, the Kingdom?s electricity and water minister said

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