

Dubai will decide on its multi-billon dollar energy investment strategy by the end of this year.

Dubai is likely to decide on its multi-billon dollar energy investment strategy, including possible investments abroad, by the end of this year, a senior official of the Gulf emirates supreme energy council said recently.

Megger?s new relay test sets new standards

The high power Megger SMRT range of relay test sets enables the testing of modern digital self-powered relays as well as the popular new relays with redundant power supplies.

Bahrain to build 21 power plants in 2012

Bahrain will build 21 power plants across the country this year at a total cost of US$439mn, the countrys Energy Minister Dr Abdulhussain Mirza stated.

Ducab announced record sales of US$1.3 billion for 2011, representing a 39 per cent increase over the previous year, as the company ventured into new sectors and regions.

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