

South Koreas Hanwha Engineering & Construction has won a US$1.05 billion order to build power and seawater desalination facilities in Yanbu Industrial City (YIC).

ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has won an order worth around US$30mn from the Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa), the electricity and water operator in Qatar, to build two underground substations to help meet increasing residential and commercial demand for power in the capital city of Doha.

Ducab HV, a joint venture between Ducab, ADWEA and DEWA will extend the company?s range to Extra High Voltage products (up to 400kV), covering the highest voltage currently used in the GCC.


The signing of the Shams 1 solar power project financing in the UAE last month has opened the way for a burgeoning in renewable energy in the Gulf, said Standard & Poors Ratings Services in a new report.

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