
Power Generation

Astrid Poupart-Lafarge, president of oil and gas at Schneider Electric. (Image Source: Schneider Electric)

Newly appointed president of oil and gas at Schneider Electric, Astrid Poupart-Lafarge, chatted with Oil Review Middle East to explain how the company is supporting energy producers and consumers to reduce carbon emissions through digitisation and new technologies, and unveils her personal ambitions stepping into this new role

Continued calls for electricity-only pathways to Paris targets is a setup for failure on both Paris and the Sustainable Development Goals. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

International Gas Union President Joe Kang has called for a sustainable and achievable energy transition

The Smart Digital Substation will increase reliability, integrate new forms of clean energy, and deliver energy services in smarter and safer ways. (Image source: Hitachi ABB Power Grids)

Hitachi ABB Power Grids has announced the launch of its Smart Digital Substation, which brings together the latest in digital substation technology, combined with the predictive and prescriptive capabilities of Hitachi?s Lumada Asset Performance Management (APM) solution

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