The Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry has announced plans for establishing a US$548mn venture that would focus primarily on the construction of industrial plants and related projects in the country
Aldar Properties raises US$750 million through sukuk issue
The UAE?s Aldar Properties has raised US$750mn by issuing a five-year sukuk, its first capital markets transaction since its merger with Sorouh Real Estate in 2013
UAE?s ANC Holding to acquire stake in Dhofar Fisheries

The Salalah-based fisheries company produces and exports canned tuna, sardines, pre-cooked frozen tuna, fish meal, fish oil and other related products. (Image source: Malias/Flickr)
UAE-based diversified group ANC Holding has announced that it will acquire a 39.2 per cent interest in Oman?s Dhofar Fisheries and Food Industries
EBRD to invest US$1.1bn in MENA region in 2014
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has planned to invest up to US$1.1bn in some Middle East and North African (MENA) countries next year, to help bolster regional stability and spur growth
Oman hires New Zealand consultancy firm for continental shelf extension

Omans Continental Shelf Boundaries Extension Committee is expected to hire an international firm specialising in maritime survey for its project in the coming days. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)
The Omani government has appointed New Zealand-based GNS Science as consultant and supervisor for the extension of the outer limits of the sultanate?s continental shelf