

Anichem?s six new storage tanks. (Image source: DMG Events Middle East)

Despite ongoing oil glut, UAE and KSA can provide big opportunities for the coatings industry, said Anichem managing director

The upcoming facility at KAEC will manufacture a range of materials suited for Saudi Arabia and East Africas construction markets. (Image source: Worldbank/Flickr)

Sodamco, part of the Saint-Germain group, has commenced construction of its latest manufacturing facility in King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC), Saudi Arabia 

LOESCHE will supply two large vertical roller grinding mills of Type LM 63.3+3. (Image source: LOESCHE)

LOESCHE will provide two vertical roller grinding mills of Type LM 63.3+3 with a table diameter of 6.3 metres and a main drive size of 7,400kW for a new brownfield cement line in Rabigh, Saudi Arabia

The group offers a wide range of German-engineered high quality stainless steel flue and chimney systems. (Image source: PaulGalbraith/Flickr)

Following the opening of a subsidiary office in Dubai, Jeremias Group is seeking opportunities to design active flue and exhaust projects in the Middle East

The new project, once completed, will enable GARMCO to produce 120,000 tonnes of aluminium slabs. (Image source: Yulia Grigoryeva/Shutterstock)

GARMCO, Bahrain-based international aluminium rolling mill, has awarded a contract worth US$47mn to Fives, industrial engineering group and supplier of machines, process equipment and production lines, to build a new state-of-the-art cast house at its facilities

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